My life's mission

It is my conviction that everyone knows deep inside which life really suits him/her. There are often many reasons why someone has strayed off from this. My mission and passion is to help to (re) discover this life

One often doesn't change, in spite of the fact that one feels uncomfortable or even very unhappy. The fear of leaving something behind or letting something loose, the fear of the unknown are often the causes for not changing. This can lead to fatigue, under performing, feeling unhappy, concentration problems or even a burn out. It is my mission and passion to help you to prevent this. I help you to put yourself in your strength, to make your deeper wishes, desires and talents clear to you and to coach you to a life and work that really suit you.

Method and approach

The most beautiful and difficult job in the beginning of my career and the best school of practise was to work with school drop outs with the assignment: help them to love themselves again, to restore their self confidence and to discover their passion for "something", in order for them to choose a study/working life with which they can become really happy. This has been the basis of my current methodology for all age groups and life questions.

My approach starts with the question: "Which convictions of yourself (paradigms) are keeping you in your old way of thinking, feeling and acting, and cause the situation not to change. Once clear, than follows the desire to think, feel and act differently. This creates the job/life that really suits you in order that your problem is not any longer a problem, more than that: the problem left your world. You are free from it..

ISince 1985, I work as an independent high impact-coach & counseler and work in an unorthodox way. Body and mind are one and therefore are both part of the approach. High impact stands for high effectiveness on all aspects of your life as an outcome of your process. The new mastered way of thinking, feeling and acting has an effect on your whole life.

When this appeals to you, than I invite you to get acquainted with my way of working when you present your problem or question to me. Know that also for you there is a life waiting for which you have been searching already for a long time.

About Sylvia

Sylvia and her core values that she teaches and practises.

Authenticity, enthusiasm, energy, positivism, moving people, transparancy, living her dream, commitment, passion, live from the heart and soul.

  • High impact-coach/counseler/trainer since 1985
  • Since 2016 co-operation with ALIGHTcareers, Amsterdam
  • Specialized in life- and career questions
  • Graduated psychologist(?) (University of Amsterdam)
  • Self-Conforntation-Method coach and Master Practitioner NLP


Specialist in:

  • Networking (Networker of the Year VVNA)
  • Discovering the deeper motives for living and working with passion, mission, courage and strength
  • Stimulating/guiding taking steps to uncover restricting paradigms and to convert them into paradigms that help you to grow
  • Letting you feel (physical, mental, emotional) what freedom of thinking, feeling and acting does with you and what strength this gives to you.


Anja van A. Projectmanager Real Estate

"I had a dream: to become an executive at a multinational, and Sylvia looked like the perfect person to help me with this. I knew Sylvia through Vrouwen Netwerk Amsterdam. How she spoke about her work and life with unlimited enthusiasm intrigued me. Sylvia is an example for me.
Soon it became clear that I did not want to become an executive at all....that was my parents' dream. I just survived in my present job by hardly setting any boundaries....and to feel relaxed..
Sylvia let me see and experience that I was a pleaser...afraid to disappoint my parents, afraid to be not good enough in my work. I discovered that many steps I took privately as well as professionally were based on wanting to be perceived as nice by others.
I was taught the difference between strength and setting boundaries and trying to be strong and loose my boundaries. I was taught the difference between doing something out of love or doing something out of pleasing. Sylvia also let me feel the differences physically.
I learned how to communicate differently by starting to love myself...by speaking more from the "me".
Role-playing, frequently asking myself "which voice is speaking, the pleaser or the voice with courage and love". I am now the one that I want to be!"

Jordy van V. Projectmanager

"I did not succeed in getting the job of project manager. I applied for it a few times internally at a large company I was working for, but without success. Through our Manager Human Resources I got the chance to do a self analysis at Sylvia in order to find out what was lacking in my management style. Sylvia let me find out with the Self Confrontation Method that my management style was not enough connecting, it was pushing...and that doesn't work in the long run.
It had a lot to do with situations in my youth in which I experienced a lot of negativity in relation to my achievements as a child. My marks were never high enough...I had blocked my emotional connective side. I could not inspire the persons enough and with that motivate them, for that you need connection.
I could let loose old convictions that I had created about myself and the world and replace them with more effective convictions.
The insight from where my behaviour c.q. convictions originated, and being able to experience the two different management styles and the desire to become project manager lead to the job that I got at the organisation that sent me to Sylvia.
Also my private relationship did get a boost...

Marianne V. Headmaster

"I came into contact with Sylvia, as I was suffering from a number of things and I knew these things were in myself. I had the desire the leave the restrictive factors behind me for that part that was not helping me (any longer). Of all the coaches that I knew or could have known, I choose for Sylvia.
I feel at ease with Sylvia and she is a very kind person: that is a great help. And besides that she has something that I admired and could use a bit more myself. It is a certain freedom, unrestrainedness, courageousness.

Together we defined my coach question as 'wanting to wander less on the beaten track'. And Sylvia has helped me very well with this. She herself is a good example of daring "to wander off the beaten track". She was capable of connecting well with me. Sylvia has a broad knowledge and experience and therefore has several methods at her disposal. Besides that she uses personal experiences from her own life as examples. I remember these stories and are illustrative how things can be different and why.

Linda S. Webdesigner

I obtained Sylvia's telephone number through a friend. Expecting nothing but open minded I called Sylvia and immediately had a click with her. She listened patiently and understandingly to my story and that's how we made our first appointment. My reason was an addiction with the corresponding wrong self-image.
I could not imagine that someone could help me to get rid of my addiction. In my case it dealt with daily blowing, the search for inner peace that never came. Sylvia let me, without feeling any pressure, think and feel about myself and my acting. By not only looking critically at myself but also lovingly. Why do I blow in the first place?What am I trying to suppress.?
By means of small assignments, like writing down the pro's and con's of my addiction, by making a collage of how you would like to see yourself, doing things that make you happy and give you satisfaction etc., a change in my thoughts started to occur. Our analytical conversations and reiki treatments also contributed to this.
Slowly but steadily I approached myself and my addiction in a different way. After a couple of sessions I told Sylvia proudly that I had not blowed for a full week. After many attempts to stop I never held this for possible.
My addiction belongs to the past no wand I feel the inner peace. Feeling good again! "



You can order my book via bol.com or via your own bookstore.

Book review

Maria Esmeralda 40 jaar

"This is not a book that one just 'quickly' reads. When I let it sink in well what the writer exactly wants to tell than I cannot conclude differently than: what an honost, brave, courageous and disarming story about a woman that keeps on searching and fighting to do justice to herself, in all aspects of her life. From her early youth already convinced that something was not right by being pressed into a straightjacket, she finally finds by trial and error one of the great thruths of life: to love yourself, as this is a precondition for being able to love others. I think that the story of Sylvia Duijm is familiar to many women who under the disguise of 'everything for peace and quietness' adapt to everyone around except themselves! The reader could with this book in hand scrutinize possibly his or her own life. No one and nothing else has been capable of breaking Sylvia's free spirit, and as a result of which she in all openness and honousty can say what she thinks, feels and experiences. Free for love!


Drs. Sylvia Duijm
K.v.K. 34205173